If you wish to have eternal bliss then research and study Gurbani further. As you study Gurbani deeply, your doubts will be swayed like grass swayed by a current of water. Moreover, you will begin to see what reality is.
The one who does not chant the Naam of Lord, does not get beautiful virtues like a discerning intellect, detachment etc. How can virtues appear in that person? They don't. Without Naam, the vices bewitch the creatures.
The primary religious duty of every man is to repeat the Naam just as the clock goes on striking 'tick, tick'. Again, again, and again remember God. Please take care of every breath. Do not allow any breath to go waste.
A disciple who walks one step towards the Guru to take his Sanctuary & goes to him with devotion & humility. The Guru advances to receive the devotee by taking million steps.
Always do ardaas to fulfill your spiritual and wordly affairs. With ardaas, Vaheguru places their blessed hands on your heads. Stay in the sangat of great Saints and accept their nector like words.
The formula for remembering Vaheguru (God) is remembering death. He who forgets death forgets Vaheguru and he who forever remembers death, forever remembers Vaheguru.
Our downfall is that we are not making an effort to listen, read, or understand Gurbani ourselves. Instead we are paying others to do our Gurbani Paath instead of doing it ourselves. You cannot escape from the influence of Maya unless you listen, read, and understand Gurbani.
Meeting with Guru, a Sikh receives the Lord's word to meditate upon and by his untiring and resolute efforts become one with Him. He frees himself from the worldly matters and lives in harmony in the realm of the Lord.
You may recite Naam any time of the day, however the profits of reciting the Naam are much more at Amritvela (the ambrosial hours). You should recite and listen to Baani throughout the day.
Punishment never comes without fault, though the fault may be of our last birth. What ever step we pick up that picked up step becomes our destiny. At proper time we have to pass through that destiny. This is the rule of nature.
As long as one remains proud and arrogant, one cannot realise self. Till such time True Guru does not initiate a person with the boon of Lord's name and propitiate the Lord, one cannot realise the 'formless God'.
Guru Nanak Nirankari is everpresent and visible to the Gursikhs who have faith. Don't believe that Guru Nanak Sahib used to give a vision of himself to his Gursikhs only when he had the Nirankari body: even today he's visible to his Gursikhs, He's not gone anywhere and is omni-present.
After wandering many births, this human life is obtained. But the birth becomes successful only when one takes the refuge the holy feet of a True Guru.