Guru Amardas Ji Quiz

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Guru Amardas Ji Quiz

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1. Which Mughal Emperor partook of food in Langar during the time of Guru Amar Das Ji?

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2. To whom did Guru Amar Das Ji say: 'Your foot must have been hurt by my hard bones'?

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3. For how many years did Baba Amar Das Ji serve Guru Angad Dev Ji before attaining Guruship?

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4. Which Bani has been composed by Guru Amar Das Ji Rag Ramkali?

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5. Who compiled the teachings given by Guru Amar Das Ji before his passing away, as given in 'Sadd Bani'?

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6. Baba Amar Das Ji used to fetch water daily for the bath of Guru Angad Dev Ji from which river?

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Which place was made the preaching center by Guru Amar Das Ji?

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8. How many Pauris are there in 'Anand Sahib'?

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9. What was the age of Baba Amar Das Ji when he met Guru Angad Dev Ji for the first time?

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10. From whom did Baba Amar Das ji hear Gurbani for the first time, which inspired him to come close to the Guru?

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