Day: June 26, 2024

What is the benefit of waking up Amrit-vela to do Naam Simran and Nitnem?

The reason this time of the day is known ‘Amrit-vela’, is because this is when the Amrit (Divine-Nectar) showers as one lovingly repeats Naam. We should remember and meditate upon Vaheguru all day, however the early morning hours is the time for the soul-gym, where the

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Is Amrit-vela between 3am to 6am, or is the whole day Amrit-vela?

In Sikhi, Amrit Vela is the time early in the morning, usually between 3 AM and 6 AM. This time is special for reciting Gurbani and Naam abhyaas because it is quiet and peaceful. According to Guru’s Maryada or the way of life instructed by Guru

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Baba Ravidas Ji: Bhagat or Guru?

Bhagat Ravidas Ji is one of India’s revolutionary saints who challenged Brahmanism. In Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, many devotional hymns of Bhagat Ravidas Ji are present.  The Ravidas Panthis, those who exclusively just accept Baba Ravidas Ji as their Guru, call him Guru or Satguru.

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